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Fri 10 Jan
danielle - 23 (Galveston, galveston/146)
★●★Suicidal Tendencies★●★ - 21 (Galveston, Nasa/Seabrook and all surrounding areas)
$$ ReAdY 2 PlAy, JuSt CoMe ThIs WaY $$ - 26 (Galveston, 61st and seawall, and surrounding areas)
Super Bowl Special, Young Sexy Woman Looking to have Some Fun - 21 (Galveston, Lake jackson, South Houston,Pearland)
$ LACE.♥ ¿♡ £€¤|\|@☆$ - 22 (Galveston, Galveston-Texas CIty-Hitchcock)
Meowwww! Meowwww! Pretty Kitty On The Prowl!! - 27 (Galveston, galv, sanfe, dikson, hithock leage ect)
many treats await you - 25 (Galveston, galveston ,kemah texascity)
$exy Chocolate Come And Get Your Chocolate - 26 (Galveston, galveston,texas city,bay area)
█▓ ***--Thick ----sexy ebony playmate - 20 (Galveston, , Texas City (INCALL))
MS.mya new in town visiting awhile come try me I'm sweet - 20 (Galveston, Galveston county/Texas city)
💋❤️sexy,fun,ready to please💋❤️waiting on your call💋❤️ - 29 (Galveston, League city, Webster, Galveton, Houston)
💯💚Tinys back 💯💚 - 21 (Galveston, 4533 Gulf Fwy, La Marque, TX 77568)
MS.SHY (409)599~8268 - 28 (Galveston, TEXAS CITY)
New in Town MERCEDES 979*480*5547 21 - 21 (Galveston, Brazoria County,clute,Lake Jackson,Freep)
Thu 09 Jan
MS.SHY (832)385~6206 - 28 (Galveston, TEXAS CITY)
💯💯new in town 💯💯 - 21 (Galveston, 4538 gulf fwy)
it's something about BABI 50 special - 25 (Galveston/Webster/Dickinson, Galveston)
Be Our Valentine Today Only - 25 (Galveston/Webster/Dickinson, HOUSTON)
Erotic & Exotic Island Beauty***Outcalls Only - 23 (Galveston, Kemah,La Porte,Galveston, Outcalls Only)
🌸💋Im back by demand curvy Italian🌸💋 - 25 (Galveston, dickinson, la marque, galveston, tx city)
Im ready to see you come enjoy me - 20 (Galveston, texas city)
Sexy latina New in town ERICA.... - 29 (Galveston, galvaston area)
sexy snow bunny;) - 22 (Galveston, Galveston, Texas City, Kemah)
sexyblackboss22 - 22 (Galveston/Webster/Dickinson, galveston)
Wed 08 Jan
mixed - 24 (Galveston, all surrounding areas)
❤HerE TOo FullFIL YouR wAnTS AnD NEedS❤ - 22 (Galveston, Galveston Incall ONLY)
spECialS - 24 (Galveston, galveston houston texascity)
Whats your flavor? - 21 (Galveston, texas city, clearlake, surrounding citys)
$$ The best youll ever have $$ - 20 (Galveston, Texas city, lamarque)
Call Now Upscale Island Beauty ~~~ - 23 (Galveston, La Porte, Clear Lake, Kemah, Texas City)
Natural Beauty let me make you my desert 28***14094434283 - 28 (Galveston/Webster/Dickinson, galveston)
Sexy Seductive and 1000 % real - 27 (Galveston, Galveston, Clear Lake and surrounding ar)
wonder is back badder then ever - 28 (Galveston, texas city)
New in town! Caramel Sensation! Incalls only! - 20 (Galveston/Webster/Dickinson, Beaumont, PA, Winnie, Nederland, Groves)
Beautiful Elegant companion only a phone call away ! - 30 (Galveston, Houston, Galveston, & surrounding areas)
Freaky SPECIAL All DAY && NIGHT!!! - 21 (Galveston, Galveston,clear lake,Texas city)
Sweet & Sassy ---> ( (SaShA) ) (Galveston, Galveston, Texas city, La marque)
mixed candy - 25 (Galveston, galveston nasa1 texascity league)
Fun fabulous Sensual Time ... Im In Galveston - 45 (Galveston/Webster/Dickinson, Galveston)
Lets Party New Cutiepie!! Have Me Over For Dinner!! - 26 (Galveston, galv, tx city,dikson,leage city,)